Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Don't Ignore... the part you play

If you have someone in your life who is battling infertility, rather it's a best friend, cousin, daughter, or just a coworker, you owe it to them to be aware of the role you can play in their life.

You can ask us something nosy and out of place, and send us into a downward spiral.
You can tell us your unwanted "advice" that belittles the very real pain we feel.
You can ignore or avoid us, and make us feel even more alone


You can say "I'm so sorry."
You can hug us.
You can just listen. (I know... you forgot that was possible right? Lol.)
You can hand us a tissue.
You can tell us you are there to listen, if we want to share.
You can pray for us, and tell us you are doing so... because that's the best thing anyone can give us.
You can do a little research, just to better understand what we are going through and how it affects us.
You can support our decisions, rather that decision is to seek medical treatment, artificial insemination, IVF, adoption or to just accept things for the way they are.

What will you choose to do?

For more information on infertility and how to support those struggling, please visit RESOLVE's website.

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